Contact - LezReviewBooks


Contact us if you are an author looking to submit your ARC (Advanced Readers Copy) or an already published book to review in LezReviewBooks or for any other information. 

Guidelines for submission of ARCs:

If you are an author willing to submit a copy of your book in exchange for an honest review, please read the following guidelines. reviews lesfic, that is, a literary work of fiction that features at least one lesbian main character. Any other category won’t be accepted.

Timeframe: it normally takes a month from ARC submission to published review but please bear in mind that this period is only approximate.

Cost: nothing. We don’t sell reviews.

Format: when possible please submit your copy as both mobi and epub files.


Genres we don’t normally review: poetry or nonfiction.

Content not accepted: extreme violence, non-consensual sex (in all its forms), abuse, heterosexual sex.


Our reviews won’t be shared with the authors in advance of publication on this website and/or social media outlets. We’ll only contact you once the review is published.

To avoid piracy, we won’t share the ARC copy with anyone else.

We reserve the right to refuse to review a book if we didn’t find it suitable for our website or if we don’t feel we can recommend it to our readers for any reason.

If you would like to submit an ARC please use the form below. Only epub or mobi files are accepted.

If you have any questions or comments please click here

Submit your book for review

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Guest reviewers

We are always looking for guest contributors. If you are interested in submitting a review on a lesbian fiction book and you can write a piece in the range of 400-800 words, please send us a message. We’d love to hear from you.

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