A slow-burn fake girlfriend lesbian romance book.
Fake girlfriend lesbian romance book

A slow-burn fake girlfriend lesbian romance book.

I would definitely recommend 'Good Spin' by Monica McCallan for those who like a fake girlfriend lesbian romance book.

Review of ‘Good Spin’ by Monica McCallan

Emery Bates, a Public Relations expert, needs to find a good way to come out to her old college friends. What better way than to ask her best friend Jordan Davies to be her pretend girlfriend at a wedding she’s been invited to in Hawaii?

The two main protagonists, Jordan and Emery, are immediately likeable, although Jordan is my favourite character. Emily is a very organised person, whereas Jordan thinks that life is too short to plan everything out and prefers to live for the moment. There is good chemistry between the two main characters, which is well drawn out by the author.
The secondary characters were ok but perhaps could have been better drawn. Kendall and Aiden were the main secondary characters, but perhaps a little bit bland. The most interesting secondary character, Rachel is the woman that Emery had a closeted relationship with whilst at college. Rachel presents as an initially unpleasant character, but the reader is denied significant insights into her character and behaviour.
The denouement was a little too quick and sudden for me and although there was a decent sex scene, there was a little too much ‘fade to black’ for my liking.
I would definitely recommend this book for those who like fake girlfriend/romance trope.
This book is a light and easy read. My constructive criticism would be that the book could have perhaps given more complex descriptions of the characters’ emotional reactions to each other and their environment.

fake girlfriend lesbian romance bookfake girlfriend lesbian romance book

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