Full Circle by Susan X. Meagher
Full Circle by Susan X. Meagher

Full Circle by Susan X. Meagher

Life gets in the way of love sometimes

Dex and Tracy parted ways long ago leaving Tracy to raise their daughter with the help of Dex’s family. Dex has remained in Kendall’s life but has had no contact with Tracy since their breakup. When Kendall invites her moms to her college graduation ceremony, she hopes it will bring her parents together again. Oh, the audacity of youth.


I like how the author leaves us pondering the reasons for their breakup when Kendall was so young. No spoilers as all is revealed in time. I felt it added so much to this character-driven tale forcing the reader to reconsider the motives for both characters’ behaviour. Tracy’s unforgiving nature flares up at random times throughout the story. When trust is lost in a relationship it’s hard to regain. Dex knows this and has worked hard to improve herself. She also knows she is still in love with Tracy. Like all good second-chance romances, it takes a while to break down the walls these women have thrown up to protect their hearts.

It’s been a while since I read a book by Susan X. Meagher. I have a short attention span so I often veer away from longer books. Full Circle pulled me in from the entertaining first chapter and had me rooting for both women to find the happiness I knew they could have together. This story was a pleasure to read.

If you love second-chance romances, excellent character development, a good dose of humour and a bit of soul-searching, this book is for you. 4 stars.

A copy of this book was received by LezReveiwBooks for review.

Full Circle by Susan X. MeagherFull Circle by Susan X. Meagher

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