Blisfully Blindsided
“We’re looking for something for menopause.”
“Alcohol is in aisle two, fans in aisle six, stress squeeze balls are in aisle eight, and snacks are in aisles three and four,” the clerk replied. “Before you ask, we don’t sell weapons of any kind, not even pepper spray.”Robin Alexander Tweet
Back in Your Arms
"...she was wrapped up in Quinn’s arms, enveloped by sweetness and softness and the chaotic sensation of feeling the safest she’d ever been while dangling over the side of a cliff.”Monica McCallan Tweet
'Breaking Character'
"But still, unhappiness was unhappiness, no matter how nice the car you drove."Lee Winter Tweet
'The Woman in 3B'
“I wish I was a lesbian.”
“It’s never too late,” I winked. “We’re always accepting applications.”Eliza Lentzski Tweet
'Bet Against Me'
"'I’m into women,' Trina supplied.
'And I am very grateful for that,' Kendall replied.
Trina laughed. 'Glad to be of service.'
'It’s truly exceptional service. I’ll fill out a testimonial if you want,' Kendall said."Fiona Riley Tweet
'Sunsets and Shades'
“'Do you remember what you said after you came out to me?'
'Don’t blame the liberal media?'”Erica Lee Tweet
'Love at Cooper's Creek'
"That was the problem with bad decisions, sometimes you were only sure after the fact."Missouri Vaun Tweet
'My Lady Lipstick'
"'There's also that I don't know how to be gay.'
'You could have fooled me.'"Karin Kallmaker Tweet
'Girl Talk'
"'I'm straight.'
'So is spaghetti. Until it gets wet...'"Cassidy Storm Tweet
“Though I could be abrupt and demanding, I'd always prided myself on treating employees respectfully. Did orgasms count as respectful employee treatment? If so, color me super-respectful.”EJ Noyes Tweet
'Twice in a Lifetime'
“Sometimes the only transportation you need is a leap of faith.”Clare Lydon Tweet
'Coming Home'
“The sound of her willpower packing its bags and leaving her mind was deafening, and Sam wasn’t sure if it had a return ticket.”KJ Tweet
'The Music and the Mirror'
“Jump before you are pushed. In love, war and pas de deux”Lola Keeley Tweet
'30 Dates in 30 Days'
“I’m looking for that thing,” Veronica said.
“What thing?”
“That thing, Bea. You know, when you look at someone and wish you knew what their dreams were so you could make them come true?”
“Wow,” Bea said in awe. “I thought you just wanted a wife.”Elle Spencer Tweet
'Just for show'
“I want you to be my girlfriend.”
For a moment, all Lana could do was stare at her. Was this some kind of joke? Then the humor of the situation overcame her.
“Shouldn’t you at least buy me dinner first?”Jae Tweet