'Summer Isle' isn't too hot.
Summer Isle by Morgan Routh

‘Summer Isle’ isn’t too hot.

'Summer Isle' is a coming of age lesbian romance with a side plot of nautical sports. Even though the story is sweet and cute, the attraction could have been developed better and I found their chemistry a bit lacking. Click here to see why.

Lesbian Book Review of ‘Summer Isle’ by Morgan Routh.

This is a new adult novella, the first in the’Love by the shore’ series by this author set in an undetermined tropical holiday island. This book features Melody and Jill, two girls just out of high school, who discover feelings for each other. But Melody is all set to go to an Ivy League university and Jill is staying on the island. Will they have their happily ever after?

‘Summer Isle’ is a coming of age lesbian romance with a side plot of nautical sports. Even though the story is sweet and cute, the attraction could have been developed better and I found their chemistry a bit lacking. There is very little angst or conflict considering that the plot is dealing with first love and a big life change in front of them. I found that the conflict resolution was a bit rushed at the end with no opportunity to see what are the consequences of both characters decisions. Hopefully, the next book in the series will bring more light to both characters’ lives after high school.

Overall, a sweet coming of age lesbian romance with a side plot of nautical sports. 3 stars.

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.


coming of age lesbian romancecoming of age lesbian romance

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