A lesbian debut novel
lesbian debut novel

A lesbian debut novel

Review of ‘One small step’ by M.A. Binfield

It feels like a lot of authors are capitalizing on the popularity of women’s soccer (or football for the rest of the world!), and I love it!

It took me a little bit to get into this one at first, but once it got going I really enjoyed it. I’ve never really been a part of a company that sponsored multiple sports teams, so that was a bit strange at first. It’s not really a normal thing around here so that took a bit of getting used to for me, but wasn’t confusing or anything. I think this may be a lesbian debut novel for Binfield, and at times it felt like it.

I loved the idea of the story, but it did feel a bit clunky at times. Not to say that this was bad, but it felt like a debut novel at times to me. For example, secondary characters felt a bit one dimensional, and some felt more like they existed more for plot devices as opposed to real and tangible characters. The attraction felt real, but at times it was a little more tell than show with dialogue taking a back seat to thoughts in the character’s heads. Monologue versus the first blush of attraction. The angst in this one is off the charts, so angst fans will be happy!

I really loved Binfield’s writing style and will absolutely pick up her next novel, but this one fell a touch too much like a debut for me to really get lost in it overall. 3.75 stars.

Many thanks to Bold Strokes for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

lesbian debut novellesbian debut novel

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