An entertaining lesbian sci-fi book Skip to content
Lesbian Sci-fi Book

An entertaining lesbian sci-fi book

Lesbian Sci-fi Book Review of ‘Safe passage’ by Rachel Ford

3.5 Stars. This was an entertaining lesbian sci-fi book. I actually enjoyed it more than I expected. I love sci-fi but some of the self-published lesfic sci-fi on Amazon can be a little hit or miss for me. I was happy to see that this was a well-written and well-edited read. I didn’t notice any of those blatant mistakes that can be common with self-publishing and Kindle Unlimited. It was a good clean story and I was glad for it.

Ford did a really good job of creating a whole universe with many planets and aliens. It was very easy to get the feel of each new world. In fact, the whole book was very easy to get into. There was never a lot of info-dumping or anything too technical that made me scratch my head. Everything was easily explained and the book had a nice fast pace that kept me turning the pages. There was a good amount of action mixed in and even when the story slowed, it never got bogged down or boring.

There is a lesbian romance. It was pretty sweet with only mildly explicit sex scenes. My main complaint was the angst that was thrown in. No offense to Ford but I thought it was just dopey. It just seemed too contrived and came out of nowhere. This being a sci-fi book with a good amount of action, the forced angst was just not needed. Actually, the forced angst was the only part of the whole book that had me scratching my head. I was glad it didn’t last any longer than it was, and the book was enjoyable again once it passed. I don’t mind angst, I never have, it just needs to be more purposeful to the characters or story.

Besides my main complaint, I had fun with the rest of the book. It was a good cast of characters with some excitement thrown in that kept me turning the pages. A book two is coming out shortly and I am interested in reading it. I would recommend this book to sci-fi fans and Kindle Unlimited users.

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.


lesbian sci-fi booklesbian sci-fi book

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