This was a cute lesbian young adult book
lesbian young adult book

This was a cute lesbian young adult book

Review of ‘Queerleaders’ by M.B. Guel

“In truth there is light”. This was a cute lesbian young adult book. It wasn’t what I was hoping for, but it was readable and entertaining. I enjoy YA a lot more now than I ever used to. One of the reasons is YA can really make you feel. It can be really emotional and tug at your heartstrings one minute but then it can also make you feel really good the next. I was looking for those different emotions tonight so I have to say I’m sorry that I didn’t really get that in this book.

While being a Young Adult book, this also has a rom-com feel. It’s like the book wasn’t taking itself too seriously. If you are old enough to remember the “teen movie” craze from the 90’s: think Clueless, 10 Things I Hate About You, Can’t Hardly Wait, American Pie, and on and on. These movies represented the type of feel this book had. It felt like watching one of those classic teen movies that totally represented my teenager-hood. I mean the book even mentioned the movie Jawbreaker, so I think the author was definitely giving a nod to this era. So while this book was different than I was hoping for, that little nostalgia feeling it gave me was nice.

Besides being a lighter rom-com feel, I did think the book felt a little young. I think this would be a cute book to be in school libraries. It could especially be good in a place that might be a little more conservative or religious for a kid who was worried about being themselves and/or coming out.

This wasn’t really a book for me but it was a cute, quick read that held my interest. If you want a lighter YA sort of “teen movie” type story, this would be a good choice. If you are looking for a YA book that is really deep and emotional then this doesn’t really fit that bill.

A copy was given to me for an honest review.

lesbian young adult booklesbian young adult book

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