This was exactly the kind of lesbian Young Adult books that I love to read

Review of ‘The Falling in Love Montage’ by Ciara Smyth

This was so good! I have been really busy reading/reviewing ARC’s lately that I have not had any time to even look at my “own to read soon” list. This book was on that list since I purchased it shortly after it came out. I’ve been dying to read this one and I was asked by a few fellow reader friends to review it. So I realized I had to take an ARC break to read this one and I’m so glad I did. This was exactly the kind of lesbian Young Adult books that I love to read.

First, I have to say I was shocked this was a debut. I didn’t see any newbie bumps that I am used to in debuts. I mean maybe there was some but I was so immersed in the story that I sure did not notice them. I thought this book was really well written. It was filled with teenage angst and drama, broken hearts, friendship, love, it had everything a good Young Adult book should have including all the feels. I love it when a good book can make you feel and yes that included tearing up too. It wasn’t a total water show for me but I went through a few tissues for sure.

The romance was super cute. Since both mains know this will only be a summer fling, they want to keep their relationship fun. They decided to do the dates and special things that happen in all the most famous rom-com movies. This was such a sweet idea and in reading this, I felt like I was watching the rom-com movie about lesbians that I never had growing up. Because the characters are in the 17-18 age range, just finished high school age, I’d say the romance was a little more PG-13 rated. There were no real explicit scenes, but the characters are intimate with each other.

While the romance makes you feel really good, there are some tough parts in this book. For one the main character, Saoirse’s mother has early-onset dementia. This was heartbreaking and hit a little close to home for me. When I was the same age as Saoirse, I was helping to take care of my grandmother who had dementia. I can’t ever truly explain how hard that was, even more emotionally than physically, but Smyth does a really good job of conveying some of that struggle and heartbreak.

I really liked this book. I’m still a bit shocked it was a debut. This makes me really excited for what Smyth might write in the future. She has an excellent YA voice and the book felt very authentic to me. And even being 38 years old, I still was able to understand and connect with Saoirse. I would recommend this book to any YA fans that are looking for a good sapphic romance -with some drama- that will make you feel. 4.5 stars.

lesbian young adult bookslesbian young adult books

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