I recommend this series to any lesfic paranormal books fan
lesfic paranormal books

I recommend this series to any lesfic paranormal books fan

Review of ‘Grimmer intentions’ by Jodi Hutchins

This was a lot of fun. I’m really enjoying this series. This is the second book in the ‘Tales from the Grim’ series and both have been a pleasure to read. While I would put the urban fantasy/paranormal tag on this series, it is also filled with romance. I read a lot of lesfic paranormal romances. It’s my favorite category to read so I can be really picky at times. What I love about this series is that you actually don’t have to be a paranormal or urban fantasy fan to enjoy this. This book is very approachable to any type of lesfic readers. If you like great characters with romances that have chemistry, you will enjoy these books. The paranormal parts are just a fun bonus. It’s enough to make a hardcore paranormal fan like me happy without alienating other readers. A series like this gives me hope that since it has a wide appeal, it will convince more authors to give urban fantasy a try since it shows that this type of book can do well if done right.

In case anyone cannot tell by the title, this is a series about Grim’s who help souls cross over if they get stuck after they die. Not only is this about reaping souls but it’s about the Grim’s themselves and what they have to go through in their lives especially in their dating lives. There are other supernatural creatures like empusa (vampire-like), demons, fae, shifters and even more. Hutchins has a great imagination and it makes these books a ton of fun to read.

Whenever I review a series I always try to answer if you should read the previous books first or not. I think you could start here if you absolutely had to, but I would suggest reading book one, The Grim Assistant first. The mains in book one are secondary characters in book 2 and vice versa. Plus, there is a main storyline that continues over both books so I think you would get the most enjoyment by starting at book one. While I rated these two books the same, I think I liked the first book just a hair better, so I think it’s a book not to be missed either.

I don’t want to go into too much detail about what happened in this book for the people who have not read book one yet since it would be too spoiler-ish. I will say that the star of this book is Margo. Margo is quite the character so I loved getting to know her. She has turned into my favorite out of all the characters. While I do think the romance in book one was a teeny tiny bit better, Margo and her potential love interest had some great chemistry together. I loved all the intense scenes with them and I was really rooting for them as a potential couple.

While this doesn’t end on a cliffhanger, there are some threads left open for at least one more book. I’m really happy to know this is not the end of the series. It sounds like the third book could be really exciting so I can’t wait. I absolutely recommend this series to any lesfic paranormal books fan. This series is extremely entertaining with great romances; I don’t think you will be disappointed. Now is the perfect time to join the Grim’s.

An ARC was given to me for an honest review.

lesfic paranormal bookslesfic paranormal books

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