Love, Morgan (Jackson Point Collection #2) by Jacqueline Ramsden

Jacqueline Ramsden successfully mixes humour, sweetness, and deeper issues

At first sight, Morgan is the brat that most of us try not to be, even if they exist inside us. In my review of Dear Ripley, where she was introduced to us as Ripley’s best friend, I called her exquisitely obnoxious. She’s so over the top she’s hilarious. She’s also loving and kind, and recovering from acute emotional hurt.

The first part of the book is teeming with elements of screwball comedy (but sapphic, obviously), with Morgan being terribly funny in all her brashness and cockiness. Then the tone changes when she and Iona come together. Neither is a holiday fling kind of person but they can’t see beyond the deadline of both of them going home to opposite sides of the US. That makes for a lot of sweet and bittersweet moments, followed by more longing and pining. It could feel like a bit much but seeing two very different personalities open up makes up for it.

love morgan by jacqueline ramsdenJacqueline Ramsden successfully mixes humour and sweetness, to which she adds deeper issues, in this case Iona’s anxiety and Morgan’s childhood pain. The result is emotional yet easy to read stories with satisfyingly heartwarming endings. 4 stars.

love morgan by jacqueline ramsdenlove morgan by jacqueline ramsden

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