Perks of Office by Liz Rain

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Perks of Office by Liz Rain

Perks of Office by Liz Rain

Perks of Office is a dream debut you really don’t want to miss

Perks of Office by Liz Rain is a dream debut, really. I want to congratulate Ylva for their good taste in publishing this fresh new Aussie author. I super enjoyed this one. For some reason, I always feel that down-under writers bring something extra to the table.


Office staffer Emma has a huge crush on her new boss, the high-powered politician Bridget O’Keefe. She knows it can’t ever be anything else but a dream. Highly polished, untouchable and straight, the Honourable Bridget O’Keefe – Corrective Services and Minister for State Development, Innovation, and Infrastructure – is way out of her league. Until one evening she isn’t.

What we get is a light-hearted, age-gap romance set on a backdrop of Australian local politics. Bridget sets the rules from the get-go. She’s a high-profile public figure and also Emma’s boss, so they have to operate on the extreme down-low. Something Emma thinks she can handle. But can she?

Like Emma, I fell like a brick for curvy Bridget. Because we are only privy to Emma’s thoughts (and what fun that is!), Bridget remains much of a mystery throughout the book and that makes her extra desirable.

The extras were fabulous. Ex-room mate Polly, now a Dublin exile, was hilarious and also fellow staffers Haromi and Jake provide great comic relief. Rain’s writing reminds me of Ashley Herring Blake’s Delilah Green Doesn’t Care, Lucy Bexley’s No Strings and KJ’s Coming Home. Smart, hilarious, original, and sexy as hell. Just excellent storytelling!

f/f hot!

5 Stars

*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Perks of Office by Liz RainPerks of Office by Liz Rain

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