Review of 'Above the Law' by Carsen Taite. Skip to content

‘Above the law’ is the second book of Carsen Taite’s ‘Lone Star Law’ series which I recommend to read chronologically. According to the author, she’s been inspired by watching the TV series Dallas and decided to write something similar but with lesbian main characters.

I agree with some reviewers of the first book that Ms. Taite wraps up the story in a rush and the same goes for this second installment. However, I wonder if the author somehow wanted to reproduce Dallas’ “soap opera” format into these books with each installment equivalent to a whole season which ends with a cliffhanger. It works nicely on TV shows but I’m not so sure for this book.

The main characters follow the same idea of Dallas tv series: larger than life characters which are either good or bad with little room for human contradictions. For example, Dale’s grieving seem to resolve too easy and too fast. The story plot doesn’t seem very plausible as the heroines always prevail against all odds and recover from injuries too soon.

I’ve found the ‘Lone Star Law’ series so far similar to Radcliffe’s Honor series though I prefer the latter. It’s a pity because I like this author and I think her criminal law knowledge hasn’t been used as much as in previous books which makes her so unique However, I liked the (extremely short) appearance of my favourite of Ms. Taite’s characters, Luca Bennet.

I recommend this book if you are looking for something similar to Radclyffe’s Honor Series and if you are prepared to commit to read the rest of the series to see how the full story develops. 3 stars.

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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