Review of 'Beneath the waves' by Ali Vali.

I have read several of Ali Vali books and in my opinion this author is a hit and miss. There are some things in this book that didn’t work for me, hence the feedback.

I know that this is a science fiction story but even considering this, it wasn’t believable for me. To start with, I cannot understand why the episode of the meeting of the main characters is so relevant and emotionally charged. It seems a bit mundane to me or maybe it was the author’s description.

There are too many secondary characters and developments in the plot that were a bit confusing. In my opinion the story just didn’t flow. The dialogues were sometimes disconcerting as to who was speaking and made me go back several times to get the idea of who was saying what. I think the story needs better editing, something that surprises me coming from this publisher who’s normally spot on.

I didn’t feel the chemistry between the main characters, the falling in love wasn’t believable, but maybe it was just me. The intimate scenes didn’t work for me either.

All on all, a bit of a disappointment. 2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


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