Review of 'Courageous love' by KC Richardson

Review of ‘Courageous love’ by KC Richardson

This is the first book I’ve read by this author and what caught my attention was her attempt to mix a romantic story with such a tragic disease as cancer. I was curious on how she could intertwine the happiness of new love with the devastation of being diagnosed with a deadly disease into a consistent, coherent and whole plot. I’m disappointed that she couldn’t pull it off.
As a result of this, the reader is left with what appears to be two independent stories corseted into one. The first, a happy and light budding romance, with a good plot and enjoyable characters, the second, a tragic story full of medical treatment descriptions, breast cancer awareness handbook quotes and out of character behaviours. Such is the contrast between both stories that, in my opinion, Alex’s fight against cancer (with a good edition) might have worked better as a sequel of the first part of the plot. So, if you want to read a happy romance, just stop reading at the end of chapter fifteen. But if you want to suffer with the rest of us, read until the end.
Overall, 2.5 stars.
ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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