Review of 'Lesbian romance: The energy between us' by Josslyn Scott.

Review of ‘Lesbian romance: The energy between us’ by Josslyn Scott.

This is a debut novella about Erin, an allegedly straight office worker, and her yoga instructor Dione. Erin starts practising yoga because she feels the need for a life change but gets a different outcome than the one she expected, a change that questions her sexuality.

As a yoga enthusiast myself, the book’s main idea appealed to me but, in my opinion, it fails a bit short on the execution. Written in third person from Erin’s point of view, the reader gets into her headspace and can only guess what Dione is thinking or feeling because very little is shown by the author.
The reader learns about Erin’s growing infatuation and questioning of her sexuality but gets little or no clues into Dione’s mindset and sexuality. The mystery surrounding a character is not necessarily a bad thing but, in this context, the latter developments in the story seem a bit forced, if not
unrealistic. Personally, I would have liked the author to show the main characters’ chemistry, ‘the energy between them’, and build it up more in the early stages, especially considering that the yoga class was their only interaction. There are a few witty dialogues that show the potential of the author and, I think that her stories – and character construction – will benefit with more of that.

Overall, an ok read. 2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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