Review of 'Listen to your heart' by Becky Harmon.

Review of ‘Listen to your heart’ by Becky Harmon.

Attorney Jemini Rivers and Deputy Steph Williams grew up in the small town of Riverview and were best friends until the day when Jemini and her mother left town to never return. A couple of decades later, Jemini returns to Riverview after her grandmother’s death who left her the family property in hope that she would return for good. Jemini has no interest in staying in Riverview for long but meeting Steph again stirred feelings for both of them. Will they be able to reconnect after a rocky past?

This is a slow burn romance between two women who were best childhood friends until a big misunderstanding set them apart. The issue I have with this story is that their conflict would be relatively easy to overcome if only they would have a proper conversation which they avoid for most of the book. Both main characters are well rounded but it’s hard to root for their happily ever after as sometimes they behave like the children they once were. The supporting characters appear in Harmon’s book ‘New additions’ and there are a few spoilers in this book so if you plan to read both books, I suggest you to read that one first. There’s a bit of a mystery subplot but most of the story is spent in a will-they, won’t-they have a proper conversation…

Overall, an ok read if you can put up with a lengthy, almost absurd miscommunication between the mains. 3 stars.

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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