Review of 'Pursuit of happiness' by Carsen Taite.

Review of ‘Pursuit of happiness’ by Carsen Taite.

Senator Meredith Mitchell, member of an American political dynasty, is expected to become the first American female and openly lesbian president. When she meets public defender Stevie Palmer their mutual attraction is undeniable. Stevie is dedicated to her job and has strong convictions. Trying to date a presidential candidate gets tricky when her privacy is threatened but it becomes impossible when one of Steve’s clients might implicate the Senator’s family in a corruption case. But even the potentially most powerful person in the world needs a chance at love, doesn’t she?

This book is part of a group of political-themed thrillers written by this author along with ‘Courtship’ and ‘A more perfect union’. The main characters of those books make an appearance here which is good to catch up with their stories.

There’s a huge amount of political content in this book, I wouldn’t recommend it to people who aren’t interested in the issue. Even for a person knowledgeable in politics it might be too much as the romance is left in the background. The chemistry is limited because the mains are separated most of the book and, unfortunately, the sexual tension isn’t hot on the scale either.

The novel also introduces a subplot with one of Steve’s cases with potential legal implications for Meredith’s family. At parts it is full of legal jargon hard to follow for the rest of us and feels a bit rushed at the end. The political plot follows the Senator’s bid for the presidency which is a bit simplified but not enough to avoid some technicalities that might confuse some readers. I personally enjoyed it but I have a degree in political science and an interest in American politics.

Overall, an entertaining read for anyone interested in American politics and its legal system but a bit lacking in the romance department. 3.5 stars.

ARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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