Review of 'Scissor link' by Georgette Kaplan

Review of ‘Scissor link’ by Georgette Kaplan

Entertaining erotic romance story with some light BDSM scenes. The relationship is between Wendy, a 26 year old low-level employee in an aeronautical company, and Janet, her 44 year old recently divorced boss.
The dialogues are witty and funny, though sometimes the punch lines seem too polished for a real conversation. However, the main characters are well rounded and have their own distinctive voice that reflect the generational gap and their personalities. There is a good amount of pop culture references that I found hard to follow but I imagine it depends on the age of the reader and nationality.
Overall, a light entertaining read. 3.5 stars.
ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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