Another good book in the Shaken series
Words Unsaid by K.G. MacGregor

Another good book in the Shaken series

Review of Words Unsaid by K.G. MacGregor

This was another good book in the Shaken series. I’ve been singing this series’ praises as I’ve been catching up on the past books. I just love the books and it has been a joy to read them all. I do have to be honest that this is probably my least favorite of all 5 books, and I’ll explain why, but even saying that this was still an easy 4 star read.

I loved seeing more of Lily and Anna –I’m a big Anna fan- and of course how their family dynamic has changed since a decade has passed –story time wise- since book 4. I did find some characters to be growing up to be super cute kids, but I was disappointed about Andy. He used to be a sweet kid too, but now he was spoiled and bratty. I also wasn’t crazy about how Lily was mothering him, and considering her new occupation, I couldn’t really understand where she was coming from.

On the book blurb it clearly states that something is up with Andy. This is the big storyline of the book, and I think this is why this couldn’t be a 5 star read for me. Because I had to catch up on past books of the series, I was late reviewing this and I had read many reviews already. And since I read those reviews, I knew what happened with Andy. The whole time I’m reading this I’m wondering when and where it’s going to happen and that’s all I can think about. Plus, just really knowing things ahead of time and not finding out organically, put a damper on part of the story for me. I would highly suggest that if you don’t know what happened to Andy, don’t find out ahead of time. If you are already a fan of this series, get this book because you will absolutely enjoy it, and try to not spoil things for yourself like I did.

I want to keep my review as spoiler free as possible so I’m going to be vague about a part I can’t really talk about. I will say that the book felt very realistic and all too real. There were parts I didn’t want to read just because they are sad, and it was made worse because MacGregor used real headlines. This book will get to you in parts emotionally and it shows off how good of a writer MacGregor is.

In the end, this was a very well written book. Not my favorite of the series, book 3 and 4 get that honor, but I’m glad MacGregor wrote a new book for the series. Five books, all about the same couple and still MacGregor knows how to keep the story feeling fresh, new, and never repetitive. It’s impressive. If you are a fan of this series, I would absolutely recommend this book. 4 stars

A copy was given to me for a review.

Words Unsaid by K G MacGregor

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