A great addition to the Bay West Social series by Maggie Cummings

Review of ‘Serious Potential’ by Maggie Cummings, Audiobook narrated by AJ Ferraro

After listening to the first audiobook in the Bay West Social series by Maggie Cummings, ‘Totally Worth It’, I couldn’t wait to get ‘Serious Potential’, the second book. Now, I’m eager to listen to the third and final installment, ‘Definite Possibility’. This series is definitely addictive.

The Bay West Social series books follow a group of friends who live in Bay West, a lesbian community in Staten Island, NYC. Even though each novel presents a couple, the romantic misadventures of one of the characters, Meg McTiernan, is featured throughout the whole series. ‘Serious Potential’ features California golfer Tracy Allen and Bay West resident Dr. Jennifer Betsy.

I never thought I’d say this but what I love about this series is all the lesbian drama. I normally have low tolerance with dramatic plots but in this series, the stories seem so real that it could describe any group of lesbian friends. And, as we know, there’s always drama in a lesbian bunch.

What makes this series so special is that Ms. Cummings describes the group dynamics with great skill. There are a few parallel stories in this installment: Meg & Sasha, Tracy & Betsy, Lexi & Jesse, but the author manages to balance them all so the reader can see and enjoy all the relationships evolving (or not). Every couple has great chemistry and the intimate scenes are hot.

AJ Ferraro narrates books one and two in the series and I sincerely hope she does number three too. This is not an easy story to narrate as there are a good number of main and also secondary characters but Ms. Ferraro makes all the voices distinctive and recognisable. There are also a few emotional scenes which she narrates with ease. Listening to these audiobooks is like watching a lesbian tv show and I can’t wait to get where the author takes the characters next. 5 stars for both the story and the narration.

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

bay west social seriesbay west social series

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