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A promising debut but I was expecting a bit more

The Delicate Things we Make by Milena McKay

Review of The Delicate Things we Make by Milena McKay I’ve been hearing good things about this book so I’ve decided to drop everything else and read it. This is McKay’s debut novel just published last month (January 2021) and she has already published a second book, in this case, a novella, called The Perfect […]

An excellent debut romance with a #MeToo intrigue

The Delicate Things we Make by Milena McKay

Review of The Delicate Things We Make by Milena McKay Another very promising debut! We may not be living in the most joyful, comfortable world right now, but good books make everything better and I feel very lucky that I get to read so many of them. Beggars can’t be choosers and when she’s asked […]

Review of ‘Scent’ by Kris Bryant, Audiobook

Scent by Kris Bryant Audiobook

Review of ‘Scent’ by Kris Bryant, audiobook narrated by Brittni Pope This is another installment in Kris Bryant’s Sensory series (not formally a series but considered as such by the author) of all standalone books formed by ‘Taste’, ‘Touch’, ‘Listen’ and now ‘Scent’. This series has been a hit and miss for me but ‘Listen’ […]

A very good wlw historical fiction novel set in the 1980s

wlw historical fiction novel

Review of ‘Invisible as Music’ by Caren J. Werlinger, audiobook narrated by Ann Etter This is a very good wlw historical fiction novel set in the US in the 1980s during the first presidency of Ronald Reagan. I wouldn’t set it firmly in the romance category as it mostly emphasises on a strong platonic bond […]

‘The First Love’ is a wonderful lesbian debut book

lesbian debut book

Review of ‘The First Love’ by Erinne Bates ‘The First Love’ by Erinne Bates is a wonderful lesbian debut book by an indie writer. I always applaud their bravery for going the self-publishing route because it sure isn’t the easy way. But I love and support the independent writers because they can surprise you with […]

An enjoyable lesbian friends-to-lovers romance with a little family drama

lesbian friends-to-lovers romance

Review of ‘Hero(ine) Addict’ by Blythe H. Warren This was an enjoyable lesbian friends-to-lovers romance. I really liked Warren’s ‘Bait and Switch’, so I was happy to see her come out with a new book. I actually didn’t even look at the blurb since I knew I wanted to read this because it was written […]

I’m not a fan of lesbian historical fiction books but this is a gem

lesbian historical fiction books

Review of ‘The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics’ by Olivia Waite, Audiobook narrated by Morag Sims What a fantastic story. I’m not a fan of lesbian historical fiction books because they normally portray hard times to be a woman, let alone a lesbian, but this one is a gem. It is as feel-good as it […]

A very good lesbian mystery-romance audiobook

lesbian mystery-romance audiobook

Review of ‘Drawn’ by Carsen Taite, Audiobook narrated by Paige McKinney Carsen Taite is a prolific lesfic author who, as a retired criminal defense attorney, shines when she writes police procedural books or lesbian action-romance books. ‘Drawn’ presents the right amount of mystery, thriller, and romance that will please Ms. Taite’s fans. Riley Flynn is […]

A solid lesbian book series with an age gap romance

lesbian book series

Review of ‘Inked with a Kiss’ by Jennie Davids I read ‘Inked with a Kiss’ (Book 2 in the ‘Thorn & Thistle’ Series) by Jennie Davids without reading the first book but it turned out to be fine. Whatever I might have missed will not be for long because I liked this one more than […]

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