Jea Hawkins's Desert Island Books - LezReviewBooks

Desert Island Books

Based on the BBC radio programme ‘Desert Island Discs’, we’ve adapted this idea to ask castaways to list up to eight books, one song and one luxury item that they couldn’t do without on a desert island.

The rules are fairly simple, any type of book can be selected, but we ask that at least half are lesfic. Choices should be justified in a paragraph or two. Any type of music is allowed. The luxury item must be inanimate and of no use in escaping the island or allowing communication from outside.

Other Desert Island Choices

My Book Choices

Living on a desert island would be such a challenge. I’m not sure I could handle it, but maybe these would make it easier

Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen

Other people would probably choose “Pride & Prejudice,” but me? I’m a “Northanger Abbey” woman. I love this book, because I can relate to the heroine, Catherine. When I was 15 (and 25 and 35), I also let my imagination run pretty wild at times. Still do! So the fact that Catherine often envisions herself as a heroine in some gothic novel is something I appreciate and it’s a fun read.

Love Without Limits by Harper Bliss

As someone currently in a polyamorous relationship, and who was always poly-curious before, this is one of my favorite books by Harper. It’s sweet and intimate, and full of love! The thing about Harper, is she treats the relationship between all three women with such care and consideration, while also giving them time for sexual exploration. It’s a well-done balance of steaminess and ethical non-monogamy, and I adore it.

Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger

Gail is one of my favorite authors of all time, and this book illustrates why. It’s quirky and fun, and who doesn’t love the idea of a school where young ladies are taught various methods of spycraft, assassination, and more? The main characters are all teenaged girls who are either fiendishly intelligent, incredibly good-looking, or both, and have been chosen to learn how to use those talents in service to their country. It’s a rollicking good time, and you’ll notice most of the books I’ve chosen are like that – either sweet or fun, or both.

Enchanted Love by Tabitha Rossi

I devoured this series as it came out, and I have to say my favorite was the third book. It’s about a fairy godmother, Morgan, whose lover from the past returns. Morgan is pretty sure it’s her fault her lover turned from a human into a banshee, because somehow she failed in her role as a fairy godmother. But as they work together to figure out the truth, which I promise not to spoil, both characters realize they never stopped loving each other. It’s sexy and sweet, which is just my thing. Also, the banshee is kind of neat and a tad badass.

American Nations by Colin Woodard

A non-fiction entry because I’m a history nerd. This is such an excellent and easy read about the different cultures that created the communities that ultimately became the disparate, yet inter-connected regions of the United States. Woodard’s work shows us that we might be united by geography, but the idea of a truly united people has never been (and probably never will be) a reality. Furthermore, he illustrates why. I can’t recommend this one enough!

We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia

This is a young adult dystopianish story, with an unexpected lesbian romance. Dani is supposed to graduate from school and become the perfect wife to the husband chosen for her. Except, she has a few problems, like her pedigree, her feelings that their world is not all it’s cracked up to be and, oh, she’s also developing an attraction to the young woman she sees as her competition – her husband’s other wife! The duology is an exciting read full of shattered expectations and rebellion. I’d definitely want this dose of excitement to get me through lonely island days and nights!

Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

Who could live without this classic? It’s been on my bookshelf since high school. If you haven’t read “Good Omens” or watched the series, please check it out! Basically, it’s about the anti-Christ being switched at birth and… shenanigans ensue! Who doesn’t love shenanigans? And while the story is hilarious, it also has sweet and romantic moments, with a good, strong dose of feminist witches that I can always appreciate.

To Boldly Go by Em Stevens

It’s difficult to choose a favorite book by one of my favorite people in the world, but it has to be this one. Taryn and Holly are complete opposites who find themselves in Italy, dealing with more issues than anyone person should have to shoulder. This story explores so many layers in each woman’s complicated story. Seeing them find happiness together is lovely and well worth the read!

My Song Choice

“All Too Well” (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift. It’s not my favorite song of all time or anything like that, but it’s 10 minutes long and so easy to sing. It gives me all the fall vibes, too, which I would probably need on an island.

Luxury Item

Chapstick. Preferably, a never-ending supply of it! Otherwise, I’m going to need a beehive and a way to refine the wax!

About Jea Hawkins

Jea Hawkins writes sweet and spicy contemporary lesbian romance. She writes all her paranormal romance and urban fantasy as Lucy True.
Regardless of genre, if love conquers all, then she’d like to think her heroines can rule the world one day. An east coast transplant to the Midwest, she loves to write about complicated women and settings that feel like home. Her historical / contemporary romance, As Long As Love Lasts, has been nominated for a GCLS Literary Award.
Personal addictions include genealogy, autumn, cozy sweaters, hot chocolate, and the Sims 3. She’s both an avid reader and gamer, and hopes readers don’t mind a few geeky references here and there in her work.

Readers can always find her at

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