Cindy Rizzo's Desert Island Books - LezReviewBooks

Desert Island Books

Based on the BBC radio programme ‘Desert Island Discs’, we’ve adapted this idea to ask castaways to list up to eight books, one song and one luxury item that they couldn’t do without on a desert island.

The rules are fairly simple, any type of book can be selected, but we ask that at least half are lesfic. Choices should be justified in a paragraph or two. Any type of music is allowed. The luxury item must be inanimate and of no use in escaping the island or allowing communication from outside.

Other Desert Island Choices

My Book Choices

Here are my 8 books. And yet, there are so many more. I didn’t want to cheat by listing some of the Sapphic historical multi-book series I love as only one book, but you can look up Vanda, Cameron Darrow, Elena Graf and Mary D. Brooks on your own. 🙂

Curious Wine by Katherine V. Forrest

The gold standard of Sapphic romance novels. It’s a book I’ve re-read multiple times and wouldn’t mind re-reading forever.

Wasteland by Jo Sinclair

An amazing exploration of class by a Jewish lesbian author. Another classic.

Beyond the Pale by Elena Dykewomon

A historical tour de force that explores immigration, class, sexuality and the Jewish experience.

The 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

This book is making it onto many desert island lists and deservedly so. It grabs you from page 1 and never lets you go. One of the best books featuring a bisexual main character. And it’s a Hollywood book. One of my favorite settings!

The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth

Come for the story about a conversion therapy camp and stay for the amazingly beautiful writing. I never thought anyone could make me want to visit Montana. But here we are. Much more expansive than the film.

Her Name in the Sky by Kelly Quindlen

A well-written YA book about faith and first love. Beautiful writing that stays with you.

Girls Who Pray by Evelyn Dar

This book gets you right in the midst of the Amish experience and has a twist toward the end that you never saw coming.

Zami: A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde

The autobiography of one of the most important Black lesbian writers and thinkers.

My Song Choice

Galileo by The Indigo Girls because I could listen to it forever (“How long til my soul gets it right?”)

Luxury item

A really comfortable chair because I’m not very comfortable sitting on the ground.

About Cindy Rizzo

Cindy lives in NYC with her wife and 3 cats.  She’s had a long career in social justice philanthropy.  Her newest book, The Border Crosser, is the second novel in a YA trilogy that takes place when the first generation comes of age after the US has split into two countries. 

New Release

The Border Crosser

These can be found on my Amazon author page

The Paper Cutter

Exception to the Rule

The Miracle of the Lights

Getting Back

Love is Enough

Love Times Two

Conference Call

All the Ways Home

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